January 8, 2021
XX min read

Blue KC Extends Digital Rewards Program to ACA Members

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Rewards & Incentives
Member Engagement

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City expands partnership with Healthmine to deliver digital rewards to individual and family Affordable Care Act (ACA) members, according to Anuja Vaidya in a recent MedCity News article.

Healthmine previously partnered with the Missouri-based health plan to develop a rewards program that motivates the plan’s Commercial and Medicare Advantage (MA) members to complete preventive health activities, such as annual wellness visits and breast cancer screenings, in return for rewards. The program has developed over the years to provide Blue KC with specific tools and solutions for collecting member data and identifying risk factors, such as through Healthmine’s NCQA-certified digital HRA.

This expanded partnership between Blue KC and Healthmine enables the plan to provide ACA members with a similar rewards program based around improving member health outcomes—an important endeavor considering the COVID-19 pandemic, as noted by Vaidya. Throughout 2022, many members delayed or avoided medical care as a result of the pandemic, but the article highlights the value of using rewards programs to motivate members to get the care they need.

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