August 26, 2024
XX min read

How to Address Big Data Challenges with an Integrated Platform

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Member Engagement
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Data consolidation

Bridge gaps in member records and break down data silos by consolidating information into an integrated platform. Incomplete, fragmented and inaccurate data is a widespread problem across the healthcare industry, but health plans can improve data optimization with data consolidation. Housing all member data in a single place gives plans a complete understanding of members and where they are in their healthcare journeys. Through these insights, teams can design meaningful interventions to achieve plan goals while reducing costs and manual processes.

When managed through Quality Relationship ManagementTM (QRM®) integrated platform, centralized member data supports a complete view of health plan performance and member activity to guide interventions. On average, members engaged with Healthmine improve Star Ratings by 1.13 Stars when strategies are supported with a combination of comprehensive surveys, segmented outreach lists and regularly updated quality dashboards.


The Widespread Challenges with Data Silos

Data silos create significant roadblocks for teams. Member records are siloed across provider offices, pharmacies, mobile applications, rewards vendors and health plan departments. Achieving a 360-degree view of member records means tracking down data sets from these different sources, manually breaking down silos and stitching them together in various spreadsheets or platforms.

“The point solutions and technology health plans hoped would streamline their day-to-day lives actually restricted their abilities to engage members,” says Mallory Mueller, Vice President of Population Health and Equity. “There are a lot of smart, experienced healthcare specialists feeling trapped and frustrated by tedious tasks.”

Not only are teams forced to waste resources organizing this data, but these time-consuming processes also hinder the ability to personalized outreach and develop data-driven strategies. Without the right data points to tailor member communications, teams must rely on limited personalization or generic outreach to address time-sensitive goals. If campaign metrics and reward budgets are not centralized as well, teams risk conducting overlapping, duplicative outreach without a clear understanding of how campaigns perform and if rewards are effective.

Moving forward without the right insights only further deepens the divide between member data and health plans. Outreach that is not personalized or coordinated between teams risks alienating members and reducing conversion rates for future campaigns. This can lead to inaction during vital data collection efforts, including Annual Wellness Visit outreach, health risk assessments (HRA) and surveys.

Laying a strong foundation in member data is vital for improving operational efficiency, lowering costs, reducing member abrasion, coordinating outreach and personalizing messaging. Before teams focus efforts on any of these tasks, they should start by ensuring their data is centralized in a single location.

Unify Data, Insights and Engagement

When selecting a platform for consolidated data, plans should focus on solutions that enable teams to combine, collect, analyze and action data from one place. Using separate vendors for each of these activities risks creating more data silos and manual steps that delay meaningful engagement.

“Big data presents health plans with a unique and powerful opportunity to build targeted, personalized engagement strategies, but gaps between analytics and outreach often delay interventions,” says Kent Holdcroft, Chief Growth Officer. “Establishing a seamless flow between data and outreach allows teams to continuously engage members in time to have an impact on quality, risk and medical loss ratio goals.”

Centralizing these activities reduces time-consuming processes and increases data transparency to empower teams to quickly better understand member journeys. When displayed in regularly updated dashboards, teams can minimize lag time between analytics and insights to quickly build strategies to move members to the next best health action.

Even if teams do not have a significant amount of member data to consolidate, a centralized platform can set them up for success down the line. Ingesting enrollment data into a single location enables teams to continuously build upon member records without fragmenting data across multiple platforms and avoid creating new data silos. Enrollment data can act as the building blocks for more complex member records when paired with the right data collection tools.

By unifying data and engagement in one location, teams can implement these strategies through data-driven outreach campaigns. Aligning campaign metrics with member records also creates a powerful feedback loop where outreach continuously evolves to match member needs, preferences and behaviors.

Explore a Centralized Engagement Platform

Building a centralized platform in-house drains health plans of time, money and IT resources that should be focused on immediate challenges. By partnering with the right strategic and technology partner, plans can steadily transition to a centralized platform while controlling costs and reducing burdens on teams.

Healthmine’s Quality Relationship ManagementTM (QRM®) brings together all member data, campaign metrics, reward budgets and quality projections into an integrated member engagement platform. Accessible with a single login, teams from all departments can view the same data to eliminate manual processes and overlapping communications.

  • Get a complete view of member experiences, health statuses and social needs by automatically funneling data into longitudinal member records.
  • Augment data collection with comprehensive survey tools, including NCQA-certified HRAs, mock-CAHPS, mock-HOS, SNE-S compliant screenings, Pulse Surveys and automated Post-Provider Visit Surveys.
  • Filter member data into outreach lists and quickly launch targeted omnichannel outreach campaigns to address high-value risk adjustment, quality, MLR, health equity and compliance goals.
  • Unify quality and risk data to identify opportunities to improve revenue while maximizing incentive budgets, coordinating outreach, reducing administrative and claims costs, and improving health outcomes.

Improve plan performance by using a centralizing member engagement platform to consolidate data and enhance member engagement. Contact us for a demo.

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